Recent approvals of projects
Supporting research on compliance in hypertension treatment in DRC
Vainqueur Diakengua Nsongisa is a FM-registrar in Kinshasa who follows a online course in research for PhD-students. It is part of the ARC (pp on African Research Collaborative) that operates within Afriwon, an initiative of young African doctors within WONCA.
He asked support for his project to investigate the compliance of hypertension treatment in a large OPD in Kinshasa. He needed money for basic materials (questionnaires) and support in the data management & analysis. The WHIG (Pieter van den Hombergh) mentors him together with Prof. Louis Jenkins from SA. See also WHIG supports PhDs.
More info in BMJ for a review of Research Capacity Building in Africa.
Supporting undergraduate teaching in COPC in Rwanda
We continue to support the yearly COPC course for more than 200 undergraduates (Community Oriented PC).
Together with peer mentor Prof. Per Kallestrup from Danmark we hope that PRIMAFAMED and the WHIG can join this initiative.
For the support of PhDs in LMICs the WHIG is involved in more ways; see website. You can apply for mentor. Let us know.
Accomplishments (see also year reports)
Since 2005 > 90 Family Practitioners (FPs) graduated and the FM-training has started in 5 universities in Kenya. All these FPs work in rural district & sub-district hospitals or health centres; none of them has left the country. Many FPs from Moi University now work as faculty in the staff of other FM-training deps. The FPs started their own College and Association (KAFP) and are in close contact using Whatsapp. CME and research have taken off and FPs are in high demand for senior positions in the counties.
A documentary film was made for Youtube (3′) from the full version (30′)
The PM-fund also contributed to the FM-training in Ruanda (undergraduate program) and in Uganda (training of HoD, Makarere FM-training program) and Indonesia (Train the Trainers)
We collaborate also with FM-training deps. in South Arica and Malawi.